26. Formatting the Printed Board

Formatting the Printed Board

In the previous exercises, you stored and printed the board as a vector<vector<int>>, where only two states were used for each cell: 0 and 1. This is a great way to get started, but as the program becomes more complicated, there will be more than two possible states for each cell. Additionally, it would be nice to print the board in a way that clearly indicates open areas and obstacles, just as the board is printed above.

To do this clearly in your code, you will learn about and use something called an enum. An enum, short for enumerator, is a way to define a type in C++ with values that are restricted to a fixed range. For an explanation and examples, see the notebook below.


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On to an Exercise

In the next exercise, you will start the process of storing the board using a custom enum type. To get started with this process, you will write some code to convert the custom type values to strings for printing.